12 Days of Giving – Day 5

In the spirit of the holiday season, Starlight Theatre is sharing ideas for “12 Days of Giving.” We hope you will enjoy our suggestions for giving your loved ones – or yourself – some special musical-related treats this month.
Looking for a way to entertain your children while they are home on Holiday break? Watch this StarlightDIY video for an easy craft activity themed around ONCE, the hit Broadway Musical coming to Starlight May 20 – 22, 2016.
You will only need a few items to complete these do-it-yourself shaker instruments.
• Toilet paper rolls (1 per shaker)
• Duct or electrical tape
• Milk bottle caps (2 per shaker)
• Markers
• Dried beans, rice, coffee beans or similar item to make the shaking sound
• Paint if desired
Once you have completed this project, be sure to bring them to the performance of ONCE and jam along to the music.