Additional Changes to Starlight’s 2020 Season

A Message From Starlight's President & CEO, Rich Baker
Dear friends,
First, thank you so much for your support of Starlight. Much has changed in the entertainment industry in the past eight weeks, but I feel lucky to be surrounded by people like you who are just as dedicated as I am to making sure our historic venue can open again, once it's safe to do so.
We've had to cancel and postpone much of our 2020 AdventHealth Broadway Season, and I have a few additional changes to share with you today. Producers continue to make difficult decisions regarding shows on the road, and I want to remain candid with you about where we are now, what we've lost and why, and what we still have on the season.
- Previously announced: Riverdance and Waitress have postponed their tours to 2021, and The SpongeBob Musical cancelled their remaining national tour dates.
- New information: Summer: The Donna Summer Musical performances July 7-12 have been cancelled and Blue Man Group has now chosen to postpone their tour to 2021. At this time, we are not sure how many of these shows will be rescheduled into our 2021 season, but will keep you posted. We had partnered with a number of other theatres to produce Sister Act, but not all of the theatres are able to commit to the production this year, so we are working with our co-producers to reschedule this show for 2021.
- Show addition: Finally, some good news! We are excited to announce that we will be producing Godspell, August 19-25, with an all Kansas City cast, creative and production team. Jerry Jay Cranford, the director of our fabulous production of Hairspray in 2018, has signed on to direct, and we couldn't be happier to celebrate the strength of the Kansas City creative community with this production.
- Escape to Margaritaville and My Fair Lady are currently still scheduled and expected to play in their original dates.
I know that these changes are unexpected for everyone—myself included. Our estimated loss for this year has grown into a multi-million dollar number. Please know that everyone at Starlight is still working diligently to bring live entertainment to Kansas City—safely—in 2020. In the coming months, we will release new procedures and in-venue guidelines for our live events to ensure the safety of our patrons.
We know and respect that everyone's situation is different, but if you can, please consider a charitable donation in lieu of a refund to continue your support of Starlight in these uncertain financial times. Donations are a lifeline for us right now, and many of you have already shown your support. Again, thank you.
You may also leave money on your account to use toward future purchases, or you may request a refund. Due to reduced phone staff, please contact us via email using
We will keep you updated as we know more. In the meantime, I'd invite you to check out Starlight's social media channels @kcstarlight. Like and share with your friends to keep Starlight top-of-mind for Kansas Citians. Thank you for your continued support—it wouldn't be summer without Starlight, and it wouldn't be Starlight without you.
All the best,
Rich Baker, President & CEO