Enroll soon in Starlight’s new college credit course!

Enroll soon in Starlight’s new college credit course!

TAGS: college credit course UMKC

Starlight’s education and outreach department announces a partnership with the University of Missouri-Kansas City that will bring a new opportunity to Kansas City metro high school students. Later this month, students in grades 10 to 12 may enroll in Starlight’s “Theatre Industry Career Paths” course to earn one hour of college credit through UMKC.

The course is the first of its kind to be offered by a theatre in Kansas City. On Monday evenings at Starlight Theatre, students will learn amid nearly 70 years of performance history at Starlight’s campus in Swope Park. Students will explore the vast array of careers available in the theatre business, identify skills and training needed for selected careers, research possible employment opportunities and develop personal career path strategies.

Starlight education and outreach manager Andy Pierce will teach the class. Pierce received his BA from Pittsburg State University and entered into the MA program at UMKC. He continued his education, completing his doctoral work at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His PhD is in Theatre with a doctoral minor in Marketing Management. Since 2011, Pierce has been a full-time employee of Starlight.

“I’m thrilled to partner with UMKC to offer an opportunity like this to local high school students,” Pierce said. “Starlight is the perfect place to explore everything the theatre industry has to offer, whether it’s a career on stage, behind the scenes or in an office setting.”

Class will meet at 6:30-7:45 p.m. Monday evenings, from January 27-May 11. Enrollment information will be available this month. Visit kcstarlight.com/education for updates or email education@kcstarlight.com.

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