Making sure that Broadway shows and music concerts can be heard clearly can be a daunting job. Ryan is the Production Coordinator for Audio Services which means he’s responsible for the implementation, integration, and maintenance of audio systems at Starlight.
On top of that, Ryan assists with recording, editing, and mastering audio content you may see on the screens and helps with rigging and lighting during live shows. People may not realize there’s so much variety in the field of audio.
“There is a reason that people don’t often get to explore so much of the audio industry, and that’s because each area, including recording and editing, system design, show design, live mixing, engineering, etc., can be a career in itself,” Ryan said.

The variety is part of what makes his job fun. But it can also be one of the biggest challenges. Doing a lot of things at once can require changes in methods and mindset, at times on a daily basis.
Sometimes there are projects that can add to the fun and the challenges, too. One of Ryan’s biggest projects for the coming year is to finish the infrastructure upgrades that were started last year.
“We’re nearly finished upgrading our production intercom and back of house video systems, and we’ve begun the process of expanding our campus audio system into the restrooms and other structures around the venue so that guests can step away from the show without missing a beat,” he said.
Ryan has had some cool experiences at Starlight but one of the coolest was when he got to work as a radio frequency technician for some large music festivals.
“It was a pretty great experience to be able to go onstage to help ensure everybody’s equipment was working and getting along with each other,” he said. “Getting to watch major musical acts from the side stage is always a big plus as well.”
When he’s not making audio magic, Ryan enjoys being outdoors and experiencing nature.
“My old standbys are hunting and hiking/backpacking, but I’ve been getting more into rock climbing and mountain biking, both at the most inexperienced levels you can imagine,” Ryan said.

The next time you attend a concert or show at Starlight, you can thank Ryan for making sure it sounds great.