Starlight Interns Give Back

Starlight Interns Give Back

CATEGORY: Starlight
TAGS: Bob Rohlf Internship community gardens Starlight Interns

Starlight’s Bob Rohlf Internship program provides real-world experience in the entertainment industry, networking opportunities with other young professionals and chances to learn from a number of Kansas City institutions through lunch-and-learns, site visits and more. And—did you know—the program also encourages interns to give back to their community!

In mid-July, several Starlight interns volunteered their time at the community garden adjacent to Covenant Presbyterian—just down the street from Starlight. In past summers, church and community members helped volunteers from MU Extension to manage the garden but, because of COVID-19, many of those volunteers are unavailable this year. Starlight interns were more than happy to lend a helping hand and a number have returned each week to help with weeding, watering and mowing. Starlight associates have joined in on the fun, too, helping with the gardening efforts once a week.

Community members harvest the garden’s fresh produce for personal use, and the excess is donated to the church’s food pantry. The lush beds of peppers, watermelon, tomatoes, okra, squash and other plants provide nutritious food to the area and a critical health resource to the surrounding community.

For more information or to donate nonperishable food items to Covenant Presbyterian’s Food Pantry, visit

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