Starlight Remembers Bob Kipp

CATEGORY: Starlight
TAGS: Robert Kipp

The Starlight family was saddened to learn of the passing of Robert (Bob) Kipp late last month.

“Bob was an intelligent leader and a man of great integrity,” Bob Rohlf, Starlight’s former President and Executive Producer, said. “He was results-focused but never wanted to be in the spotlight, he just wanted what was best for the theatre and the Kansas City community.”

Part of a team that helped make Starlight more financially stable in the ‘80s, Kipp was a longtime supporter of our historic theatre in Swope Park and served as the Chair of Starlight’s Board of Directors in 1987.

“Bob Kipp was an outstanding City Manager, and he carried his skills to Starlight Theatre as Chairman of the Board during a time when Starlight was struggling financially,” Anita Gorman, Starlight supporter and Lifetime Board Member, said. “We can thank Bob for helping to create the path which has made Starlight the great asset it is today for our community.”

Our sincerest condolences to Bob’s family during this difficult time. Click here to read the Kansas City Star’s obituary.

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