Starlight Seniors—Haley Bell

In this week’s installment of Starlight Seniors, we shine the spotlight on a second member of our Blue Star Awards Student Council. Recently sporting purple hair for her lead role in Disney’s Descendants, this senior shines in the theatre department of Leavenworth High School.
Senior, Leavenworth High School
Member, Starlight Blue Star Awards Student Council

What you’ll miss most with school being closed:
Teaching and performing with my show choir and competing with my speech team.
Best experience/memory with Starlight:
Spending every summer watching shows with my family and my theatre family.
Advice you’d give to Leavenworth freshmen to help them navigate high school:
Don’t waste your time trying to be someone who you know you aren’t. The right people will find you!
You don’t need to change to feel like you belong because you will find where you belong.
How you’re making the most of the final months of your now-virtual senior year:
Using my extra time to get all the things I need done for college.
I also want to make sure students around me are holding up and keeping a positive attitude.
Favorite college experience/memory:
Playing Mal (daughter of Malificent) in the Disney pilot of Descendants: The Musical.
And Friday night lights, for sure!

Plans for this summer:
Intern with different education programs around KC, educate younger generations on the world of theatre, and audition for shows.
Plans for your immediate future:
Attend Midland University (Fremont, Neb.) and major in Theatre Education
Hopes/dreams for your future:
Teach/run my own theatre program and, maybe, one day direct or act on Broadway or in Chicago
Favorite musical and why:
The musical is so beautifully written and sings well. It never fails to make me cry.
Favorite artist and why:
Sam Smith
He makes heartfelt music and spreads positivity through his platform.
Words you live by:
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
So, just go for it!

Why theatre?
It’s the safest place you have to be yourself and with no judgment.
Theatre is the place that brings people from very different backgrounds together and makes something beautiful.
NOTE: Haley starred in the role of Mal in Leavenworth’s pilot production of Disney’s Descendants in February 2020. Leavenworth is one of 53 high schools participating in Starlight’s 18th annual Blue Star Awards.