Starlight Seniors—T’Khara Jones

Our second Starlight Senior from the Vincent Legacy Scholarship program won her performing arts training scholarship as a seventh-grader at Arrowhead Middle School in Kansas City, Kan., in 2015. Worth noting is that she was awarded a split scholarship that she shared with her one-year-younger sister.
Senior, Sumner Academy of Arts and Science
Starlight Vincent Legacy Scholarship recipient, 2015
Proudest accomplishments during your senior year:
Making the Principal’s Honor Roll at Sumner Academy and being inducted into National Honor Society.
I also was scheduled to have a bass solo in my school’s orchestra concert in April, but it was cancelled due to the coronavirus situation.

Plans for your immediate future:
Attend Baker University and enter the nursing program. I also successfully auditioned and received scholarships for Baker’s cheer team and orchestra department. I’ve been asked to join the jazz band, too.
I am a KC Scholars recipient and was thrilled to be accepted to several universities and offered academic scholarships.

Thoughts about Starlight and the Vincent Legacy Scholarship program:
The Vincent Legacy Scholarship gave me newfound confidence that shaped me into the person I have become throughout my high school years. Receiving the scholarship in seventh grade opened up so many doors and opportunities for me and has allowed me to grow and flourish.
In middle school, I was a very timid person who didn’t believe in my abilities. I would rather not try than face the fear of rejection, and I missed opportunities because of this fear. But, after auditioning and receiving this scholarship, I overcame that fear and it was replaced with a confidence that allows me to attempt anything I put my mind to. Through dance lessons, I was able to find my love of cheerleading, and cheerleading has brought me so many more opportunities.
Advice for students who might apply for or win a Vincent Legacy Scholarship:
Take advantage of every opportunity put before you and be grateful for everything you have. Also, work to perfect your talent every day!

A shout-out to T’Khara’s sister, KhaTera, with whom she shared her scholarship funds:
Finishing her junior year at Sumner, KhaTera also made the Principal’s Honor Roll and was inducted into
National Honor Society. She successfully auditioned for Sumner’s symphonic orchestra and will be a member during the 2020-21 school year
NOTE: Annually since 2006, Starlight and the Vincent Legacy Foundation have awarded $2,500 scholarships to ethnically diverse middle school across the Kansas City metro area. Students use their funds throughout their middle and high school years to attain professional training in acting, singing and dance. Click to learn more about this important community engagement program.