Large group performance on the stage at Starlight


Committees + Councils

Starlight engages a diverse group of professionals, artists, civic leaders, educators, and advocates through a number of volunteer committees and councils. Members provide valuable insight and guidance to Starlight staff while ensuring relevance and the sustained success of Starlight’s operations and activities.  

Governance committees are chaired by members of the Starlight Board Executive Committee and comprised of elected Board members as well as community volunteers. Members serve one-year terms. 

Advisory councils and special planning committees support initiatives, projects, and events beyond the purview of Starlight’s governance committees, and may be added or changed based on the organization’s needs and priorities. Members serve one-year terms. 

^Denotes ex-officio status. Board Chair is an ex-officio member of all committees.
*Denotes a community volunteer.


Vice Chair: Nikki Emison
North Kansas City Hospital / Emison Life Care Planning

*Charlotte Barksdale

Michael Condon
IMA Financial

Toby Cook
The University of Kansas Health System 

Michelle Davidson Bratcher
Film in MO

 *Ava Delsemme
Kansas City Chamber of Commerce  

Lisa Hays, MD
Advent Health Kansas City 

Robert Hingula

Sherri Jacobs
Heartland Art Therapy

Heather Jones
Seigfreid Bingham

Tempe Ostergren Elsberry
University of Missouri-Kansas City

*Mollie Stephens
KC CARE Health Center

*Gene Willis

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

Vice Chair:Robert Hingula

*Jolene Mead

Vanessa Vaughn West
Lathrop GPM

*Kasey Vena
Newmark Zimmer

Carolyn Watley

*Nancy Whitworth
McCownGordon Construction

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

Vice Chair: Mike Lanning
US Asset Services

*Ashley Baker
Henderson Building Solutions

Mark Fortino
Hawthorn Wealth Management

*Augie Huber
A.L. Huber Construction (retired)

Kevin Kelly
US Federal Properties

Emily Tilgner
McCownGordon Construction

Mark Van Dyne
Burns & McDonnell

*Justin White
Hunt Midwest

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

Vice Chair: Rob Wolf

Jeff Anthony
McCarthy Auto Group

*Mallory Antle

Michael Collins
Grayson Capital

Mark Fortino
Hawthorn Wealth Management

Richard Heise
Commerce Bank

Kevin Kelly
US Federal Properties

Tondee Lutterman

Carolyn Watley

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

Vice Chair: Mark Coulter
Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes, P.C.

Michelle Davidson Bratcher
Film in MO

Monica Curls

Steve Cosentino
Stinson LLP

*Brett Emison
Emison &  Langdon

*Leah Fitzgerald

*Theresa Garza

Dr. Troy Nash
Newmark Zimmer

Dean Newton
Delta Dental

Jason Parson 
Parson + Associates

Eileen Weir

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

Vice Chair: Carey Wilkins


Aviva Ajmera

Jeff Carson
Enterprise Bank & Trust

Joni Cobb
Creative Planning

Toby Cook
The University of Kansas Health System

Steve Doyal

Jill Farrell
American Century Investments

*Elise Jones
Enterprise Bank & Trust

Ramsey Mohsen

*Greg Reid
BoomDeYada, LLC

*Mariah Shields

Angelo Trozzolo
Trozzolo Communications Group

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

The nominating committee is chaired by Starlight’s Board Vice Chair and comprised of the current Board Chair, Immediate Past Board Chair, the past two Board Chairs, and Starlight’s President & CEO.

Chair: Sabrina Wiewel 
Current Vice Chair 

Howard Cohen
Current Board Chair 

Mark Fortino
Immediate Past Board Chair 

Ora Reynolds
Past Board Chair 

John Murphy
Past Board Chair 

Lindsey Rood-Clifford
President of the Association 

Vice Chair: Amy Guerich
Stepp & Rothwell

Denise Bade

Cathy Baier
US Federal Properties Trust, Inc.

*Daniel Benninghoff
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

*Mary Buford

Wendy Burgess
RDD Family Office

*Steve Dietze

Mark Fortino
Hawthorn Wealth Management

*Tonya Guinn
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

*Stacey Janssen
Janssen Estate Probate & Elder Law

*Mike Lorenz

Diane O’Byrne
Competitive Resource Sales Coaching

*Mike O’Connell

Terry O’Toole
Kansas City Transportation Group

*Amber Struemph
McCownGordon Construction

^Howard Cohen
Deloitte (retired)

Interested in getting more involved at Starlight? Fill out Committee and Volunteer Interest Form and a member of the Starlight team will contact you to discuss any next steps!


Councils & Special Planning Committees

Chair: Bill Briggs 

Jeff Anthony
McCarthy Auto

Eric Beckerle
Commerce Trust Company

Aaron Byrd
Express Employment Professionals

Brittany Dayton
Dayton Dynasty Realty

Robin Dayton
Dayton Dynasty Realty

Sammi Dodson
Olathe Ford Lincoln

Emily Haas
BioNexus KC

Sherry Lumpkins
Blue Symphony

Brooklyn Maldonado
Stepp & Rothwell

Amber Manning
The Miller Group

Jewel Maxwell
Linwood Shopping Center

Jason Parson
Parson + Associates

Fahteema Parrish
Parrish & Sons Construction

Morgan Saxena

For more information, contact Erin Olm-Shipman, Donor Relations Manager at or (816) 997-1133.

Chair: Wendy Burgess
RDD Family Office

Shellie Billau
Midwest Trust

Ruth Brackney
Lathrop GPM

Amy Guerich
Stepp & Rothwell

Jenna Hauschild
Forvis Mazars

Stacey Janssen
Janssen Estate, Probate and Elder Law

Doug Jones
Filmmaker (Retired)

Jonathan Klem
Midwest Trust

Tiffany Owens
Bank of America

Todd Randol
Heartland Estate Law

Zack Royle
Lathrop GPM

Jonathan Staton
Law Offices of Jonathan Staton

For more information, contact Juliana Tran-Castillo, Donor Relations Manager, at or (816) 997-1175. 

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