Top of the List! Starlight Kudos Continue

At Starlight Theatre, we’ve gotten a lot of love from the compilers of Top 10 lists this summer. While not intending to appear boastful, we can’t help but share our pride in this good news from external sources:
Green Label
The most recent accolade came in early August from Green Label, which placed Starlight as No. 1 on its list of “The 10 Most Amazing Outdoor Music Venues in the Country.”
Billed as a Mountain Dew online music venture, Green Label credited Starlight’s “castle-like façade that houses the stage (and) offers great natural acoustics” and noted “there’s not a single bad seat in the house.” Kansas City also gets kudos when the post calls Starlight a premier venue “in a city brimming with art and culture.”
View Green Label’s complete list, venue photos and descriptions here.
Fodor’s Travel
In mid-June, Fodor’s Travel shone the spotlight on Starlight as one of “Summer’s 10 Best Outdoor Theater Experiences.” The website noted that Starlight is known for its national tours and homegrown outdoor productions giving audiences the opportunity to “enjoy top-quality Broadway shows in the renovated structure: two picturesque towers that stand guard, hoisting the proscenium of the stage up into the sky.”
View Fodor’s complete list, venue photos and descriptions here.
E! Entertainment
Also in June, Starlight showed up in the Top 10 on E! Entertainment’s list of the nation’s “Most Unique Music Venues.” Again our theatre’s “royal” attributes were noted when the post described Starlight as “resembling a Medieval castle with towering spires.” In addition to Starlight’s entertainment value, E! called attention to the extensive education and outreach programs we offer.
View E! Entertainment’s complete list, venue photos and descriptions here.